John Barnes

Managing Director
Head Office Nelson
Phone: 03 541 0287
John Barnes
John has dedicated his life to the agricultural industry, starting out as a young boy on his parents’ dairy farm. He moved onto various areas of the rural sector obtaining a wealth of knowledge along the way. He proceeded into sales selling fertiliser. This is where he found his passion for sustainable farming.

As a country we depend heavily on producing agricultural products. We cannot survive if the farmers who produce them are not profitable. This is the baseline of valuable advice that he gives to farmers almost daily. The animals/crops must be healthy, the soil from which their food/plants grow must be healthy. Enabling the flow on effect, leaving the produce healthy for us humans to consume. Not only will Johns management practices allow you to produce great food, but also guide you through the process of nurturing the soil.

In his spare time John enjoys spending time with his family, or away caravaning with his wife appreciating the wonders of New Zealand’s backyard.